Sunday, January 31, 2010

January 2010

Burrrrrrrr . . .

I went to Alaska to supervise the beginnings of the cabin remodel on Wolverine Road. Actually, the weather was about as good as it gets in Alaska in January and working with Budd was a real joy. The house was in such a mess! It felt good to know it was being restored.

The best part of the trip was my time with Donna. We watched movies, shared kitchen duties, went shopping for house stuff, out to lunch, and just hung out. She even got me reading vampire books. What is the world coming to? Thank you, Donna. You were a real blessing to me.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas 2009

We spent most of December in Parras de la Fuente doing prep work for the new vineyard and burning a lot of wood to stay warm. We saw temperatures as low as freezing - not too impressive for our friends in Alaska, but for Mexico it was pretty darn cold.

I didn't get to see this in person, but Grayson's father David sent me the video he made of Grayson's theatrical premier. Check out Grayson's Christmas Pageant.

Christmas was spent in San Antonio. Jesse came up from Corpus for a few days. As always, it was fun to have him around. He is always introducing us to new things - this time it was the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. See their web page for a taste of just how far he pushed our envelope this time. We also saw
Lion King at the Majestic Theater in San Antonio. That was my first time at the Majestic since I was a teenager and it was a real treat. The costuming was fantastic.

We had Christmas Dinner with family. Kelly and Mel were the hosts. Katie is very pregnant. We had a chance to meet Andrew's little boys. They are adorable. This looks like a sweet family in the making.