The weather for the ferry ride was typical inland passage weather - foggy, cloudy and rainy, but the trip was lovely. We met several nice folks and we read. We arrived in Kethican just in time for dinner at The Landing, right on the dock. One of the cooks was a dead ringer for the Chinese guy on Deadwoood.

We arrived at Prince Rupert the next morning at 5:45 and drove until about 4:00 that afternoon. We stopped at a little mom & pop motel south of Prince George. We went to a pub down the road for supper. What fun! However, by this time, I had to face the truth - the tooth ache that I had been nursing for several days was NOT going away. It was only going to get worse.
September 14 - We drove to Peachland on Lake Okanagan and looked for a place to stay, but everything was either full or closed so we moved on to Summerland. Note to visitors to the area: There are very few options in Peachland. It's beautiful, but not hospitable to the casual visitor. Summerland, on the other hand, was full of motels and interesting pubs. We got settled in and chose the Parrot Perch for supper.
September 15 - We did a very brief tour of some of the area's wineries. The view was better than the wine, but even at that the wine was pretty good. My tooth hurt so bad that I was pretty much intent on getting to Jim and Rori's house where I was pretty sure I was going to find relief.

By the time we finally arrived at their house that afternoon, I was in PAIN! Those of you who know me know that I don't handle pain very well under any circumstances and when it involves a tooth, I'm a bigger baby than usual. Jim had already made an appointment with a local dentist for Tuesday afternoon, but I was on the phone with the receptionist early Tuesday morning and she told me I could come in right away. Those were the sweetest words I had heard in a long, long time. Three hours later, I was much better. The dentist had done a root canal with immediate results and I had a bottle of Tylenol for residual pain and a prescription for antibiotics to take care of the raging infection I had. Within just a few days, I was back to normal.
Meanwhile on Wednesday, Jim's sister and her husband and we all spent the next few days enjoying this beautiful home in this lovely setting with fantastic weather. We worked on jigsaw puzzles and crossword puzzles, cooked some great meals, took walks, enjoyed Rori's animals, read and recovered from my dental trauma.
On Friday night we added another couple to our mix, friends of the Drapers. Maureen had just returned from a cooking class in France so Rori, Kate and I couldn't get enough of her. I even had to change places at the dinner table so that I could hear better. After dinner, we went dancing at the Eagles Club. The band was just a couple playing guitars and taking turns with the lyrics, but they made some pretty good sound and we enjoyed it.
September 20 - Just before we left, I had Kate snap this picture. If you are ever in Washington State and you need a dentist, call Jim. He'll fix you up! I can't thank Jim and Rori enough! What a wonderful visit.
We drove to Spokane and then on to Missoula through the Nine Mile Ranger Station where Stanley had spent a summer back in the day. Much to his chagrin, he learned that it has become a national historic site.

We spent the night in Darby MT in another mom and pop motel and feasted on a bag of stuff I had bought at a health food deli that afternoon.
September 22 - We backtracked to Sun Valley to se the lodge, the town and the Hemmingway Memorial. Right across the street from the bank was another statue of Sacajawea. She was all over the place.
Actually, I was a bit disappointed in the lodge and the town. Even on a warm fall day with not a drop of snow on the ground, the place was crawling with tourists. Back to Hailey. We stopped at the botanical garden. I took several pictures, but this was the only one that is presentable. I must have had the camera on some weird setting. Have I reminded you lately that I am challenged in the technology department.
The drive was wonderful, the view was - well, what can I say? it's the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Let's just say it was grand. However the lodge was full to the brim so we snapped a couple of pictures, took a walk and got back in the car planning to stay in Fredona or Kabab. We stopped at a lodge on the way back for dinner - no hurry. There were deer on the road so we just took our time and enjoyed the drive.

Well, we got back to Fredona - every motel had a no vacancy sign, but that didn't bother us because we didn't see any place that we really wanted to stay. So we drove on to Kabab. There were lots of motels - lots of them! And everyone of them had a no vacancy sign. At the very last one, on the edge of town, the gal at Quality Inn tells me that she can make a reservation for us in Hurricane - miles in the wrong direction. The only other possibility would be to drive to Flagstaff, four hours away.
I went out to confer with Stanley about our predicament and we decided to take her up on the Hurricane reservation. When I went back inside to confirm the deal, the desk clerk told me that she had had a cancellation. I haven't moved so fast in years. It took me less than a nanosecond to say yes, sign the paper and hand over my credit card. I've never been so grateful for a room. Note to self: When traveling in an area with a dominant national park, make the reservation early! Here is a photo of the fountain outside the hotel. I thought it was beautiful.
The next morning we drove east along the Vermilion Cliffs through the Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument stopping at the BLM interpretation center featuring the many dinosaur finds in the area. I can't believe that I walked away with no pictures because it was very interesting. On to Hoover Dam and Lake Powell.
And on to Flagstaff. We found Sean easily. We had a nice walk around town, a proper Italian dinner, an introduction to his room mates, and a tour of his crib. He had homework and we were exhausted so we turned in early.
September 25 - We walked all over the University of Arizona campus. The old part of the campus is quite lovely. We found one building that we liked in particular.
We drove on to Prescott and stayed at the Mariott Springfield Suites. A classy choice for a change.
September 26 - We drove to Tucson for a few days at Mira Vista, one of our favorite haunts. As always, we enjoyed the atmosphere, the pool, dancing at the Maverick, good meals and Stanley especially appreciated a few days without driving.
September 29 - We left Tucson and drove to Ruidoso NM taking time for a quick tour of White Sands National Monument.

And then to Alpine for a visit with Panchi and her family. Panchi is enjoying her new position as Alpine Middle School principal and she and Russell are busy balancing careers and parenthood. The girls are involved in sports, music, and a never-ending social life.
October 1 - On to San Antonio for a few days with Mom, Trey, and Sarah and her family. Of course Mom is still busy with her many senior center activities, her church, and a wide and varied group of friends. Trey is working for the Northside School District and hopes to turn his assistant position into a full fledged teaching position soon. Sarah is still teaching severly emotionally disturbed children. David is trying to balance a fledgling business and the care and feeding of Grayson. Now, that's a real job!
October 2 - I had an 8:30am appointment with Dr. Cabaza to be fitted for a crown for the root canal tooth.
And that brings our long road home to an end. If I hadn't had so many other opportunities for travel, this would have been the trip of a lifetime. As it was, I saw so many beautiful things! I am reminded of how precious our earth is and how important it is to care for it.
The only criteria for finding beauty is looking for it. It's everywhere!