Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Emery's High School Graduation

Returning to San Antonio from Anchorage was like walking into a steam bath. Wow! What a change. We spent a few days with my mother and then drove to Alpine to attend Em's graduation.

We went the long way - through Big Lake to Midland. Emery's softball team had reached the regional championship level with our girl playing first base. They won the game we watched, but unfortunately they lost the next two games which served to eliminate them from the competition. Even with their elimination, they had quite a ride!

Panchi and Russell hosted a dinner before the graduation inviting all the family who could come.

The graduation ceremony itself was typical small-town. There were lots of hoots, inappropriate applause, camera flashes, and whistles, but there were also sweet moments of remembrance and expressions of gratitude.

Emery gave a carefully worded invocation (a duty which fell to her as vice-president of the senior class), wore her NHS cords with pride, and received her scholarship with humility.
She will be attending Sul Ross State University in Alpine in the fall. You go, girl!