Our good friend Don D'Onofrio and his son Andrew were in Alaska while we were there along with Kathleen Doyle and other friends. We had some good time with all of them and it was a pleasure to show off the cabin.
Even though it was not totally complete when we were there, it was a show-place compared to the mess I left with Budd in January.
We saw Clifford, the accountant. He had recently been in the hospital and wasn't feeling well, but you would have never known he wasn't 100% by the grilling I got on a couple of issues. Oh, that I could ever live up to his expectations.
We had a bit of time with Budd and Delight and with Donna.Budd and Delight are going to stay in the house for at least a few months and perhaps a year until they can find something to buy. We also got to see Sean and Scott, although the time with them was very brief.
We took time to visit Jaime's rock garden. We couldn't believe how many of his plants were in bloom. And me without a camera . . . again. It was lovely!
The Blue Poppy Garden was not so much in bloom. It was just a bit too early, but was showing all the signs of a beautiful summer.
The week flew by and all too soon it was time to fly off to Chicago and on to San Antonio.