Jesse has been stationed in Corpus Christi for quite some time and we have enjoyed several visits with him as part of our trips between San Antonio and Parras de la Fuente. As Thanksgiving approached, Stanley and I thought this would be the perfect time to get all the boys together. Jesse took on the responsibility of getting Sean to Corpus from Flagstaff and we used some Alaska Air miles to get Scott down from Anchorage. What a great time it was. What better way to start the trip than an excursion to the USS Lexington. Boys will be boys, no matter their age, and they all enjoyed playing sailor!
The boys took some time to hang-out and unwind at my mom's house. Jesse was working on some repairs to his sail and Scott was anxious to keep up his guitar practice. Sean just wanted to relax! We actually did some fun things with the boys including a trip to the Sunken Gardens and the San Antonio Zoo. At the last moment, we all got tickets to see the Christmas River Parade. It was lots of fun, but naturally I left the camera at home where it would be safe. I'll just have to keep those memories in my head.