Monday, June 20, 2011

Back at the Hacienda

After a few days with family in San Antonio and a few more with friends in the Rio Grande Valley and a looooong but uneventful bus ride to Parras, we arrived at Ha de Perote on Saturday, June 11.

Nothing much had changed in our absence.  Ramon did a great job watering the yard and garden and Antonio kept the zinfandel pruned. 

It has now been seven weeks since the surgery to repair the ruptured disc.  It is a little discouraging that my report has not changed significantly in the last three weeks.  Although, I know I am improving, the progress is almost too slow to measure.  I am trying to be patient, but my patience is wearing thin.

On the bright side, sunrises are always lovely and each one carries the promise of a new day with endless possibilities.  Possibilities like this guy.  A family of Summer Tanagers has moved into the pecan trees.  Isn't he a beauty?!?!

Hoping you find beauty in your life today.