Monday, June 20th, a spectacular sunset, made possible by the presence of clouds in the sky - the first we had seen here at the hacienda in ages. Of course, I was caught with dead batteries in the camera and no spares, but we won't go down that sorry road.
Tuesday, June 21, the dog insisted a storm was on the way and we should all seek shelter. The hummingbirds went on a feeding frenzy. Clouds were moving across the valley at a high rate of speed.
It got close enough for us to smell and then stopped. We could see the rain pouring onto the valley below us, but we got not one single drop. . .
. . . not even when the clouds moved directly overhead. They just stopped, shaded us for a few moments and then dissipated.
Wednesday, June 22, we finally got wet. We got about 1/16th of an inch. Not to laugh! That's the first measurable precipitation we've had since last September.