Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Art Contest - August 2, 2014

The art contest was a smashing success in spite of some unanticipated scheduling conflicts. We had three times as many contestants this year as we had with our first contest in 2013 and many many more interested observers for the announcement of winners.

One of the conflicts was an exhibition of photography by Adolfo Perales Huerta. It was such a pleasure to meet him and see his work! He only added to the joy of the occasion. 

Thanks to Lily for the pictures. What would I do without friends to keep me on track? The following is just a sample of the ones she sent me.

To all those who participated, encouraged, judged, coordinated and helped in any of a thousand ways - THANK YOU! BTW: For those who don't know, the lovely young woman on the right is Valeria Narro, daughter of Eduardo, one of our partners in Alianza.