Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Raul's Bones

Meet Raul. He's the guy on the left with the great smile!
Having worked here at the hacienda almost as long as we've been here, he knows us fairly well.
He knows we're always interested in just about everything so he brought these bones one morning for a little show and tell.
Maybe we could tell him something about them?

With just a little observation it was clear they were very special.

We took pictures which we sent to a paleontologist who had been involved in excavating a dinosaur not too far from Parras several years ago. He wrote back saying he thought the bones were vertebrae from a young hadrosaur.

Plans were made the very next day to return to the site.

Raul was able to confidently point out the location of his find within about ten meters.
The hill is covered with lechuguilla, a nasty desert plant, which
would have to be cleared before any level of excavation could be done.

We did not find any more bones on the surface, but we did find lots of fossils.

Since then we have been in contact with the paleontologist from
El Museo del Desierto in Saltillo.
He now has all the pictures and site information we have.

This is going to be a fun experience to follow no matter what happens.

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