Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Grayson's Visit to the Shut-In

Being sick is never fun, but even with all the pain, there were some bright spots. One afternoon, Sarah brought Grayson with strict orders that he was to be very, very good. As if he could be anything else.

He is so sweet. And smart. Do I sound like a grandma?

His Grandpa Jim, David’s father, had taken him on a train ride the day before his visit to me, and he was full of news about his great adventure. He just couldn’t believe all he had to explain to me about trains. It was very complicated.

“Here, Nana, maybe you can read about it and explain it to Grandmudder.”

Enough with the explanations!  Let’s play.
It was difficult, but finally, I was able to persuade him to show me how he could write his name. I think we have a genius!

Oh, Grayson, you are a love!