Jim and Betty met us at the Salt Lake City airport and we were absolutely "on the go" until they took us back to the airport the following Thursday. I am happy to report the very mild weather we enjoyed while in Utah.
The Kennecott Utah Copper Bingham Canyon Mine.
Visible for miles, the tailings alone were an awesome sight, and the mine itself is visible from space. It's huge!
This is the world's first open-pit copper mine and the largest man-made excavation on earth.
Did I mention that this is one great big hole in the ground??????
Even without the extraction of minerals, the terracing is a work of art and science. As the mine got bigger, equipment grew in proportion. Take a look at the tire. Everything is bigger at the Bingham Canyon Mine.
Coming and going . . . Uphill and downhill . . . Full and Empty! Trucks! Huge trucks.
Here goes one load of rock into the crusher. It takes a lot of crushed rock to yield a small amount of copper, but the stuff is valuable and used in a wide variety of applications. With great demand for copper, the hole keeps getting deeper and the trucks keep rolling.
Sweeping lawns and broad paths
Bordered by wide stretches of blooming plantsAnd sculpture honoring the rugged lives of the pioneers.
Walking from the garden to the Beehive House, we found this lovely shot of the temple. I know that every tourist in Salt Lake City has the same picture, but it was irresistible.
Inside the Beehive house, beautifully restored rooms
depicting the everyday life of Brigham Young,
and his service,
and his family.
More flowers and a beautiful plaque. The beautiful people with Stanley in the small photo are Betty and Jim, our hosts and tour guides.
While taking a break, I noticed a family standing outside the temple, obviously having just come from a ceremony inside. It took several minutes of arranging themselves, but finally . . .
the pose was set.
The museums were so full of information and displays . . . I was overwhelmed. This cutaway view of the interior of the temple was very interesting.
and on to the tabernacle where we heard a wonderful organ concert. What a treat.
As we walked to the Museum of Church History and Art, we caught another great shot of the temple.
Inside the museum, I saw two things that really impressed me. This quilt and
this painting, my favorite of the paintings by LeConte Stewart, a landscape artist/native of Utah.
After a full day of all things Mormon, we stepped into the Beehive Pub for a pint. It had been quite a day!