Friday, August 2, 2024


 Stanley: A good supper. Even the jelly filled doughnut for dessert. 

Thankful for seeing the fire camp today and to see the improvements for the fire fighters. I remember sleeping in paper sleeping bags on the ground except for the times supplies were dropped to us and we slept in the silk parachutes. 

Thankful for the beautiful scenery we’ve seen. 

Thankful for our last night on the ferry. What a pleasant way to end the trip. And a special thanks to Cindy, the bartender, just for being so friendly. 

Thankful we have a few days before we have to contend with 113 degree heat indexes.

Dona: Thankful for all we have seen and done in the past week. 

Thankful for the folks we have met along the way. 

Thankful for friends and family. 

Thankful for Janet’s safe trip to Maine and her return,

Thankful for Kindle books. They made rainy days on the ferry so good.

Thankful for Stanley and all he is to me and for me!

Thankful we can have Thankful Thursday even when it comes on Friday without any of the trappings. No salmon. No sparkling wine. No soft music playing in the background. In a third rate hotel eating deli chicken and drinking cheap wine. So very grateful for my very privileged life and the health to enjoy it.