The purpose of the trip to Buenos Aires was two-fold:
1. To spend time with Nacho. Since he moved to Mexico City, we have had very little time to visit. We thought it would be nice to have some time with him in a relaxed setting.
2. To taste the wines of Argentina and perhaps be of some help to Nacho as he chose wine for the hacienda.
We had enjoyed the city and the river by ourselves for three days before we met up with Nacho late Saturday evening.
He scooped us up and took us to La Ventana for wine, dinner, and a fabulous tango show. No doubt there are other venues just as wonderful for watching professional tango dancing, but I cannot imagine there is a better venue. It was the most relaxed I had seen Nacho in a long time. Some friends of his met us at the restaurant, and he seemed to enjoy all of us. He even took time for some fun on the dance floor!
As for Stanley and me, we chose to pose for a formal portrait with the professionals. Our plan is to take a few lessons before trying out our skills on the Argentina dance floor.
We felt we were on our way to achieving the first part of our purpose behind the trip. Now . . . on to Mendoza for the wine part.
Only one issue - The tango party made for a very late night and a very early morning.
At the airport Sunday morning, Marisol was the only one who was really awake. It was going to be her job to keep us all on the straight and narrow. and what a job that would be!
I snapped this picture of Rio de la Plata from the airport. What a beautiful morning!