Sunday, February 6, 2011


I have dreamed of going many places, but the

Everglades never made any of my lists.
I had enough bugs in Alaska; and enough stifling, humid heat in Texas,
I had certainly had enough experience with
creepy, slithery, scaly things.

Traveling hundreds of miles to endure all that
on vacation just never occurred to me.

Well . . . I am so glad I went.

It was nothing like I had imagined.

First, there were no bugs!

Surely, we were there on the only three days of the year
that bugs were essential a non-entity.

Second, the temperature varied from cool and crisp to
pleasantly warm - nothing less, nothing more.

Third, the creepy, slithery, scaly things I saw
were fascinating!

And, finally, the birds were more than I had ever imagined!

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