Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Through Our Neighborhood

When we leave the apartment we almost always go to the street and turn left toward town.  The other day, we walked out and turned right.  

Happy surprise! With only a few short breaks, there is a path up the beach going by an old chapel,

past two resorts and several restaurants. 

It was a cool day and the beach was deserted.  It may not have been a good day for sunbathing or swimming, but it was a great day for a walk!
OK - This is where we turned around.  However, we are told the path continues all the way to Lim Canal.  With an earlier start on another day, it would be fun to see.

Such a perfect day and we didn't meet another soul.  I'm thinking folks are letting the calendar dictate their activities.  Who cares if it's October if the weather is great and there's a fabulous walk to be taken?

The sunset was pale and narrow.  A high band of haze has kept sunsets less than spectacular ever since we arrived.  I'm looking forward to a good one.