Saturday, June 15, 2024

June 14

Friday morning we took advantage of the cushy hotel I had gotten us for our first night. We didn’t get on the road until about 11:00. Traffic between Shreveport and Dallas was about what we expected. Awful! Amazing how many little towns there are in Texas. They were once wide spots in the road and now they are tiny spots off to the side of the road. 

This was our first time driving to Panchi’s home from the east. We were surprised how far from Ft Worth it is. But we finally arrived. It’s always a joy to see Panchi. We quickly fell into our ritual of catching up. Preparing and eating dinner didn’t slow us down a bit, but the meal was delicious. Russell grilled squash steaks and cod with lemon. Panchi made salad and there were two kinds of dessert. I can’t speak to the strawberry cake but the banana pudding was awesome. 

After more chat we called it a day about 10:30.