Tuesday, July 2, 2024

July 1

 July 1

Happy Canada Day!

We haven’t seen any of Canada today, but we will pass through tomorrow morning. Just wish they would open the border crossing a little earlier, but who knows what we might find to do in Haines at 3:00 in the morning?!?

Today has been a quiet day. We passed through Sitka at 9:45 this morning. I know you are getting tired of hearing this, but the sea has been so calm during this trip, it well worth mentioning several times. With all the islands surrounding Sitka, it is completely sheltered from the ravages of Gulf of Alaska. As we pulled up to the docks at Sitka, the water looked much more like the still waters of a Louisiana swimming pool on a hot afternoon than anything connected to the ocean. 

In spite of the calm water, it was pouring down rain so this is the only picture I got of the town. It is actually the third largest city in Alaska and has a rich history, but you would never know it from this photo. 

We went to the lounge for the Sitka landing and had a nice conversation with a woman from Craig AK. She was born in Kansas and moved to Alaska when she was very young. She has 10 children, spread all over the Northern Hemisphere and can’t imagine living anywhere else. Her 101 year old father now lives with her, but until last year he drove himself from Kansas to Alaska every year to visit children and grandchildren and to attend the annual Jehovah Witness convention in Anchorage. It was an interesting conversation.

Following my JW intervention, we had lunch in the cafeteria, Penne pasta with sausage and red sauce and a big salad. Probably the best we’ve eaten on the ferry.

We spent the afternoon reading and napping and just being together. Three of the things we do best. I got flower pictures from Chelsea today. Made me just a little homesick. 

Sandwiches and chips for dinner. I’ve already cleaned up the residue. Everything is packed and ready to go. The boat will stop in Juneau in about an hour and we will be able to load the little fridge and picnic basket in the car. Our stop at Haines will be at 2:45 in the morning and we want to have as little to do at that hour as possible..

The last stop before ours was Juneau, the state ferry. The marine terminal is located several miles from town so there was really nothing to photograph. So you get a picture of more still water. 

¡Buenas Noches!