Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Just 5 months until Christmas Eve. 

We are in North Pole AK in a hotel located on Santa Claus Lane. About three blocks away the world famous Santa Claus House is found at 101 St. Nicholas Drive. 

Inside, the place is sensory overkill. Anything you can imagine being produced with a Christmas feel is on display in at least three size options. The store is ablaze with twinkling lights. The air is filled with the smell of chocolate and cinnamon. Rudolph, the Herald Angels, and Frosty are all singing their theme songs, and every piece of fudge in the candy case is whispering, “Pick me!” 

 I didn’t last long  I made a few purchases, left the fudge right where it was, and escaped before the elves captured me.

The trip between Healy and North Pole was short, uneventful, and a bit of a letdown after yesterday’s spectacular scenery and weather conditions. Today was hazy and mostly flat.

The one thing that has been consistent across Alaska on this trip is the fireweed. All the wildflowers have been beautiful this year, but it has been a banner year for the fireweed.

At mile 355.5 of the Parks Hwy, just as we entered Fairbanks, we reached the most northern point of our trip. The road took a dramatic sweeping turn to the southeast. We are on our way home.  

Gotta finish up the chicken so tonight I’m going to mix it up with some grapes, cherries, lettuce and cheese.